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Peering back into the history of universe .

 Space series #2 want to peer back in the universe history .. just stay tuned then ....

Big Bang Diagram

The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe started out as a very hot dot with just a few millimeters in diameter. It has since grown over 13.7 billion years into the vast, ever-expanding and ever-expanding atmosphere. The extension of the Big Bang model, inflation, states that the universe began to expand much faster than the speed of light and grew from a subatomic size to the size of a golf ball almost immediately, shown in the diagram.

Astronomers Detect First Split Second of the Universe

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has produced a new, more detailed picture of the infant's universe. Colors indicate warm (red) and “cool” (blue) areas. White bars indicate the "polarization" direction of the oldest lamp. This new information helps to pinpoint where the first stars formed and provides new clues about events that occurred in the first billion seconds of the universe

After Big Bang Came Moment of Pure Chaos, Study Finds

A snapshot from a computer simulation of the construction of large structures throughout the universe, showing a 100 million light-years clip and the corresponding movements of galaxies flowing at the highest point in the center.

Star Observations Could Solve Cosmic Riddle

The globularNGC 6397 contains around 400,000 stars and is located about 7,200 light-years away from the southern star Ara. With an estimated 13.5 billion years of age, it may be one of the first objects of the galaxy to be built after the Big Bang

New Model of the Early Universe

The atmosphere, 590 million years after the Big Bang, may have looked like this, according to computer simulations, extensions of black (green) and galaxies with varying degrees of light (yellow brightness).

Hubble  Telescope Lifts Fog on Early Universe

This picture shows young baptismal candidates in a galaxy surrounded by green. The three magnification on the right shows several vegetable items on the edges of Hubble's existing tools in September 2004. The Hubble UDF is a small space in the sky towards the star Fornax. Fragrant objects are less than four billion light-years that can be seen with the naked eye.

Explanation of Dark Matter Might Lie in Origin of Stars

One scenario considering the creation of the first stars suggests that black matter particles are very simple and can enter space very quickly. These types of warm black objects predict that the black object forms tall circular structures where the stars appeared as pearls on the fence. In this simulation, the gas cord twists and turns into pieces of his first stars. The blue hue in this image indicates a change in gas intensity

Some of the Universe's First Galaxies Discovered

This is a combination of false color images of galaxies found at the beginning about 800 million years after the Big Bang. The top left panel presents a certified galaxy in the 787-million-year-old universe. These galaxies are located in Subaru Deep Field.

Farthest Galaxy Found, Perhaps

The artist's vision of a full-fledged star-filled galaxy in the first place, less than a billion years after the Big Bang. This image was inspired by the 2008 discovery of a small galaxy, called A1689-zD1, which was born about 700 million years after the Big Bang.

Violent Explosion Is Most Distant Object Ever Seen

Gamma-ray exploding GRB 090423 is a small, very red source in the center of this image. The red color indicates its long distance - about 13.1 billion light-years - because all visible light is absorbed by intergalactic hydrogen gas, leaving only infrared light. All the other galaxies and stars in our solar system are close to us and are lurking in the same plane of space. GRB 090423 was the longest object detected during its discovery in 2009, and astronomers hope that distant gamma-ray explosions such as GRB 090423 will provide them with information on the first atmosphere following the Big Bang

Black Holes Gave Our Baby Universe a Fever

A graph showing the temperature of a communication system in which the universe is between three and three billion years old, attached to the artist's view of the emergence of galaxies at the same time. The shaded region indicates the range of temperatures that may be measured by group data. The warming took place at a time when galaxy growth was in full swing

Mystery Swirls Around 'Dark Stars'

The artist's concept reflects what an invisible “dark star” might look like when viewed in infrared light. The core is covered with clouds of hydrogen and helium gas. A new study by the University of Utah shows that the first stars in the universe did not shine, but they may have been black stars.

Pls stay tuned I will update this post more

All Images Source : Space.com

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