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What are white holes ?


The white holes have long been thought to be a feature of a common relationship born of the same proportions as their broken star brothers, black holes. Recently, however, some theorists have been questioning whether these space-time twin vortices could be two sides of the same coin.

To a crew member from a distance, the white hole resembles a black hole. It weighs. It may rotate. A ring of dust and gas can come together around this boundary event - a bubble border that separates an object from everywhere. But if they continue to watch, the crew can see an impossible event with a black hole - a belt. "It's only a matter of time before things get out of hand and you can say, 'ah, this is a white hole,'" said Carlo Rovelli, a natural theologian at the Center de Physique Théorique in France.

Environmentalists describe the white hole as a "time lapse" of a black hole, a video of a black hole being played in the back, similar to that a passing ball is a reversal of a falling ball. While the black hole limit is irreversible, the white hole event limit is the entry point - a very special space time club. No spacecraft will ever reach the edge of the region.

The contents of the white hole can leave and interact with the outside world, but because nothing can enter, the interior is cut off from the past of the universe: No external event will ever touch the inside. "Somehow it is very disturbing to have a unity in the past that could affect everything in the world," said James Bardeen, a black mining pioneer and emerging professor at the University of Washington.

                                Twin no man’s land 

Einstein's field estimates hit the physics like a tsunami in 1915, and theorists are still plotting among the ruins. In addition to describing gravity, his thoughts conveyed a message that distorted the misconceptions about reality. In addition to a solid background, folding space and time folding as well as the abundance of stars and planets. That understanding sparked a contest to calculate how much space the abuse could take on the subject it was going through.

Within a year, astronomer and astronomer Karl Schwarzschild discovered the first definitive solution to Einstein's equation, calculating how space time turns one ball of size. In his answer he laid the groundwork for what physicists today call a masterpiece - a circular weight that has shrunk to an unprecedented density, wrapping the space around it and twisting it so that the region is squeezing everywhere. Create a personal world where there are no event events that break the link between cause and effect.

Black holes, which are the most popular, are areas of twisted space so that no exit is present. The whole place can affect the interior of the black hole, but the interior cannot touch the outside.

When mathematician Martin David Kruskal expanded the definition of Schwarzchild's black hole in 1960 to cover all the backgrounds of space and time, his new image contained the appearance of a large black hole, though he did not see its significance at the time. Later, when black holes penetrated into the vernacular, a natural name for their theological twins emerged."It took 40 years to understand black holes, and it's only recently that people have been focusing on white holes.


 Why white holes don't exist ?                        

While common encounters define white holes in perspective, no one really knows how one can actually build. The black hole removes its space when the star falls to a small volume, but playing this video back makes no sense. The emergence of an event that explodes into a working star can look like a self-contradictory egg - a violation of a mathematical law that requires the universe to be discovered over time.

Even if large white holes were built, they would probably not be around for very long. Any issue that comes out can be combined with the issue around, and then the system falls into a black hole. "The long white hole, I think, is very unlikely to happen," said Hal Haggard, a natural theologian at Bard College in New York

 Why white holes might exist                           

For some time, white holes seemed to share the worm's end - a legitimate combination of space time statistics that could actually be blocked. But in recent years, some scientists have reverted to white supremacy in an effort to save their black brothers from unjust death.

Ever since Stephen Hawking realized in the 1970s that black holes are leaking power, scientists have been debating how organizations can shrink and die. When a black hole evaporates, many ask, what happens to the internal record of everything it swallows? Normal connection will not allow data to come out and quantum equipment prevents its removal.

"How the black hole dies? We don't know. How the white hole dies? Maybe the white hole is the death of the black hole," Rovelli said. "These two questions go well together, but you have to break the normal balance in the role from one to another."

Rovelli is the creator of the gravitational force of the quantum loop, an incomplete attempt to transcend common sense by defining the space itself which is made up of Lego-style particles. Guided by tools from this framework, he and others described a situation in which the black hole grows so small that it no longer obeys the normal laws of the stars and billions of balls. At the particle level, quantum randomness takes place and the black hole can be transformed into a white hole.
A small microgram-shaped white hole, similar to the weight of human hair, would not have the force of gravity of its black ancestor hole, according to Haggard, but it could have hidden the inside of the cave containing details of everything that has swallowed the past life. It is too small to attract objects around, the white hole can remain stable enough to finally release all the information its predecessor has acquired.

In this picture, white holes would one day dominate the universe, after the stars had burned and black holes had dried up. Any viewers at the time would easily find such things as Haggard's supernatural particles, but those days are hundreds of billions of natural times in the future. "It's the most crazy time I've ever seen in physics," said Haggard.

 The ultimate white hole                             

Alternatively, white hole effects can be ubiquitous. To black mine scientists, the Big Bang explosion of material and energy looks like the behavior of a white hole. "The geometry is very similar in both cases," Haggard said. "Even to the point of being statistically similar sometimes."

Astronomers call this image the “Big Bounce,” and some are looking for white-hole features in the first visible light of the universe. Rovelli also wonders if the violent radio explosion symbolizes the cry of the small black holes left by the Big Bang as they make early changes into white holes (although this definition seems almost impossible).

The universe may not contradict itself to all sorts of common permissible relationships, but Haggard thinks scientists should follow this rabbit hole to the end. "Why not investigate whether [the white holes] have positive results," he said. "Those consequences may not be what you expected, but it would be foolish to ignore them.

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Image Source: Space.com




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