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Big Rip Theory||The Universe Can Rip Off In Future .


Big Rip Theory||The Universe Can Rip Off In Future .n

It started with Big Bang and will end with Big Rip. Maybe.

A new mathematical model has been discovered that supports the idea that the universe can separate itself in 22 billion years, everything from galaxies to stars, planets, individual atoms, and even time itself, in an instant. Clippings are torn. This theory takes the rapid and rapid expansion of the universe as its starting point, claiming that it will grow continuously, eventually reaching infinity with the consequences of the Holocaust.

The new model to support the Big Rip theory was developed by Marcelo Discozzi, an assistant professor of mathematics at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, in collaboration with physics professors Thomas Kephart and Robert Scherer. The trio struggled with the problem of cosmic viscosity - how viscous the universe is - when they realized that their work supported Big Rip.

The hypothesis of discogee is based on current theories about dark energy, a largely theoretical substance that is thought to make up 70 percent of the mass of the universe. To be the Big Rip, dark energy must win in its battle with gravity to a point where it can rip apart atoms.

Big Bang To Rip

He began by looking at the viscosity of the universe - or how resistant it is to expansion and contraction. The so-called cosmological viscosity is different from the viscosity of something like a ketchup, which is measured by how fast a liquid can move through a small opening.

Discongi linked his theory of cosmological viscosity to Big Rip, which first occurs in 2003 with the motion of fluids in supernova and neutron stars. His breakthrough was in coming up with a theory that explained what happens when a viscous fluid travels at the speed of light. Previous models had misleading results, one even suggesting that liquids would travel faster than the speed of light.

New evidence suggests that the expansion of the universe will eventually become infinite. This pressure depends on two big leaps regarding dark energy behavior now and in the distant future. The previous model largely ignored viscosity, but in the discogee hypothesis it is the viscosity of the universe that drives its violent destruction. His theory is based on proposals made by the French mathematician Andre Lichtenrovich in the 1950s.

It is not the only model of our demise. Competitive theories include the Big Freeze (where the universe is so vast that the supply of gas is so thin that no new star can form). Under that model, time becomes an endless void in which nothing ever happens because there is so little energy left in the universe.

Alternatively we can lead to the Big Crunch, when the expansion of the universe slows to a crawl and the Big Bang is in reverse as everything returns to a singularity.

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