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The BIG Freeze Theory .


Big Freeze Theory
Big Freeze Theory
Image Source : Universetoday.com

The most widely accepted theory is that the universe will eventually stop. This is likely to happen trillions of years from now, when the entire period of the universe is empty and there is one line above absolute zero. We sometimes call this function the "Big Freeze".

You ask why not respect the law - in particular, the second law of thermodynamics, which tells us that total entropy (basically, confusion) always increases in the order of the universe. The second law of thermodynamics is one of the highest laws of all physics. If a scientist proposes a theory that violates it, he is in big trouble!

Anarchy and Confusion: Isn’t this a sign of a particularly violent ending, the big cold? Well, entropy is not necessary for dramatic destruction; It’s more about how things are different. Think of food sitting on your kitchen counter or in your refrigerator for too long: it will eventually decompose. Or your car, will start to reduce its core strength. An example you are well aware of is your body age. Your eyesight and hearing are impaired; Not as strong as you used to be; Thin your hair; You will see wrinkles; Eventually your physical processes will stop.

Entropy is unique because in physics it is the only dimension ("time arrow") that indicates a specific direction for time. It tells us not to press the rewind button at the beginning of the universe.

So the galaxies of the universe will eventually disintegrate, dead dwarf stars will flow into the darkness of neutron stars and there will be black holes everywhere. The visible universe contains 70 sex-stars, which are arranged in billions upon billions of galaxies. If you look at things, 7 after 70 thousand million or 22 zeros, and 10 times more than a grain of sand on all the beaches and deserts in the world. With such a large number, it is almost impossible for us to even imagine.

Right now, we are in the aging of the universe: the period in cosmic life when there are still stars. Yet when one pays attention to the whole age of the universe, it is clear that the stars shine only for a very short time. One trillion years from today, almost all stars will burn their nuclear fuel. A trillion years later, even black holes would crumble; After that, the protons also start to decay. The universe then turns into a fog of electrons and eventually reaches absolute zero. At this point all the speed stops ... and it freezes big.

We can leave before the universe gets too cold ... You can watch the video clip of my Big Think interview (How to Survive the Parallel Universe) that was recently featured in the top ten video of Big Think. Selected from the first 100 days in 2010.

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