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What would have existed if big Bang didn't happened ? || The Space Science Technology ||


Hey It's is difficult enough to imagine a time, roughly 13.7 billion years ago, when the entire universe existed as a singularity. According to the   The Big Bang theory, one of the main contenders vying to explain how the universe came to be, all the matter in the cosmos -- all of space itself -- existed in a form smaller than a subatomic particle .

Once you think about that, an even more difficult question arises: What existed just before the big bang occurred?

This question has been related to modern cosmology for at least 1,600 years. St. Augustine, a fourth-century theologian, wrestled with the question of what existed before God created creation. His conclusion was that the biblical phrase "in the beginning" meant that God had not created anything before. Furthermore, Augustine argued that the world was not created by God at a certain time, but that time and the universe were together .

In the early 20th century, Albert Einstein came to very similar conclusions with his theory of general relativity. Just consider the effect of mass on time. A planet has a massive mass time - which moves a little slower for humans on the surface of the Earth than a satellite in time orbit. The difference is too small to notice, but the time moves more slowly for a person to stand next to a large boulder than for a person standing alone in an area.

Based on the work of Einstein, the Belgian cosmologist Rev. Georges Lemaître 

Following this line of reasoning, the title of this article is fundamentally incorrect, y, the primary singular developed in its present size and shape.


Is the case over? Away from it. It is a cosmology, it does not die. In the decades following Einstein's death, quantum physics and many new theories revived questions about the universe before the Big Bang. Continue reading to learn about some of them.

Did Our Universe Bubble Out of a Previous One?

Here is an idea: What if our universe is old and old is not the offspring of another universe? Some astronomers have suggested that the story be written in radiation remnants from the Big Bang: Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).

Astronomers first observed the CMB in 1965, which quickly caused problems for the Big Bang theory - problems with the inflation theory in 1981 (for once). This theory develops rapidly in the first moments of the existence of the universe. It also causes temperature and density fluctuations in the CMB, although those fluctuations suggest that they should be uniform.

Not so. Recent mapping attempts actually indicate that the universe is arbitrary, with some regions subject to greater fluctuations than others. In the words of Adrian Eriksek, a researcher at the California Institute of Technology, some cosmologists see this observation as evidence that our universe has "accumulated" from the parent universe 

In turbulent inflation theory, the idea goes even deeper: the infinite progression of inflation bubbles, each becoming a universe, and each of these inflated bubbles innumerable multiverses 

Other models revolve around the formation of unity before the Big Bang. If you think of black holes as cosmic trash compactors, they are the main candidates for that primitive compression, so our expanding universe could theoretically be the product of a White Hole from another Black holes. The white hole is an inary body that works in the opposite direction to the black hole, giving it more energy and matter than it can absorb. Think of it as a cosmic exhaust valve. Some scientists suggest that our universe may have originated in a black hole, and that each black hole in our own universe has separate universes 

But some scientists believe that the universe did not start with a big bang, but with a big bounce.

Long ago, medieval religious philosophers in India taught that the universe goes through an infinite cycle of creation and destruction, evolving from an undefined mass into a complex reality around us, destroying itself and before starting anew .

Some contemporary scientists have come up with great parallels to an idea. Instead of a big bang, the universe expands and contracts in one cycle, each time shrinking to a certain size. In Big Bounce theory, each cycle starts from a small and smooth universe, not as small as the singular. It gradually expands and becomes more attractive over time. Gradually, when it shrinks to the size of the starting space, it begins to break down and gradually it reaches a state of smoothness. Then, the cycle begins anew  .

All Image source : Google .

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