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Time Travel: Theories, Paradoxes & Possibilities || The Space Science Technology ||

 Time Travel this word I have heared from my childhood when I watched cartoons like Doraemon they time travel so I thought to write something about Time Travel's Theories , paradoxes and possibilities . So stay tuned to know about Time Travel .

Time travel - moving between different points in time - has been a popular topic in science fiction for decades. Franchises from "Doctor Who" to "Star Trek" to "Back to the future" have seen people get into a car of some sort and arrive in the past or future, ready to take on a new journey. Each comes with its own travel ideas of time.

The truth, however, is puzzling. Not all scientists believe that the passage of time is possible. Some even say that trying it can kill anyone who chooses to do so.

Understanding time

What is the time? While most people think of time as permanent, physicist Albert Einstein proved that time is a delusion; related - may vary for different viewers depending on your speed in space. For Einstein, time is "the fourth dimension." Space is defined as a three-dimensional domain, which provides the traveler with links - such as length, width and height - a place that displays Time provides direction - direction - although normal, only advanced. (On the other hand, a new perspective confirms that time is "real.")

Abstract clocks glow across the dark background, representing views of travel times.

Einstein's view of special relationships states that time is slower or slower depending on how fast you are in relation to something else. At the speed of light, a person inside the spacecraft can grow much smaller than his or her twin at home. Also, under Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity can bend over time.

Insert a picture of a four-dimensional fabric called space-time. When anything heavy sits on that cloth, it causes a shrinkage or bending of space. The bending of space time makes things move in a curved direction and that the opening of space is what we know as gravity.

Both general and special relational concepts have been proven with GPS satellite technology with the most accurate clocks on board. The effects of gravity, as well as the accelerator satellite surface of the Earth compared to viewers, make the unallocated clocks receive 38 microseconds per day. (Engineers do measuring responses to differences.)

In a sense, this effect, called extinction of time, means that the astronauts are space dwellers, as they return to Earth, much smaller than their identical twins living on Earth.

Through the wormhole

Typical connections also provide conditions that would allow travelers to return in time, according to NASA. Statistics, however, can be difficult to achieve physically.

Another option would be to travel faster than light, traveling at 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second) in the open. Einstein's statistics, however, show that the fastest object of light can have an infinite magnitude and a length of 0. This seems impossible physically, although some scientists have extended his calculations and said it is possible.

The only thing that can be linked, NASA says, could be creating "Wormholes" between points during space. While Einstein's statistics provide them, they can fall very quickly and be ready for very small particles. Also, scientists have not seen these worms yet. Also, the technology needed to create a worm is far superior to anything we have today.

Alternate time travel theories

While Einstein's theories appear to make time travel difficult, some groups have proposed alternate solutions to jump back and forth in time.

Infinite Cylinder 

Astronomer Frank Tipler has proposed a method (sometimes known as the Tipler Cylinder) in which a person can take a matter ten times the size of the sun, and wrap it in a very long but very dense cylinder.

After reverting to a few billion changes per minute, the nearest spacecraft - following a direct turn around the cylinder - could find itself in a "time-like curve", according to the Anderson Institute. There are limitations to this approach, however, including the fact that the cylinder needs to be long enough for this to work.

Black holes

Another possibility is to move the ship quickly around a Black holes, or to create that atmosphere with a large, rotating structure.

"They were circling around, facing half the time for all the people far away from the black hole. The ship and its crew would be moving in time," physicist Stephen Hawking told the Daily Mail in 2010.

"Imagine they've been around this black hole for five years. Ten years would have passed somewhere else. When they got home, everyone on Earth would be five years older than they were."

However, he added, workers will have to travel at light speed for this to work. Environmentalist Amos Iron at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel pointed out another limitation when one uses a machine: it may fall before you can quickly rotate that.

Cosmic strings

Another theory for potential time travelers involves something called Cosmic Strings - narrow tubes of energy that span the entire length of the ever-expanding universe. These thin regions, which are left over from the early universe, are predicted to have a large amount of mass and can therefore warp their surrounding space-time.

Cosmic stars are either infinite or they are in loops, no ends, scientists say. The approach of two such wires parallel to each other would bend space-time so intensely and in such special configurations that in theory could make time travel possible

Time machines

It is commonly understood that you will need a device - a time machine - to travel forward or backward in time. Time machine research often involves bending the time-space so that the time lines turn back on themselves to form a loop, which is technically known as a "closed time-like curve".

The doctor's time machine is TARDIS, which stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space.
To accomplish this, time machines often require an exotic form with so-called "negative energy density". Such foreign matter has bizarre properties, in which the normal substance is pushed when going in the opposite direction. Such a case may theoretically exist, but if it does, it may exist only in very small quantities for the construction of a time machine.

However, time-travel research suggests that time machines are possible without foreign affairs. The work begins with a donut-shaped hole within a sphere of normal matter. Inside this donut-shaped vacuum, space-time can be bent over itself using concentrated gravitational fields to create a closed-time-like curve. To go back in time, a passenger would race around the donut, going back past each lap. However, this theory has several constraints. The gravitational fields required to form curves like this closed time must be very strong, and manipulating them would be very accurate.

Grandfather paradox

In addition to physics problems, time travel can also occur with some unique situations. A classic example is the grandfather paradox, in which a time traveler goes back and kills his parents or his grandfather - the major plot line in the "Terminator" movies - or otherwise interferes with their relationship - think "Back to the Future "- So he is never born or his life changes forever.

If it were, some physicists say, you will not be born in one parallel universe, but still be born in another. Others say that light-making photons prefer self-compatibility in timelines, which would interfere with your evil, suicidal plan.

Some scientists disagree with the options described above and say that time travel is impossible, regardless of your method. A particularly sharp one-to-one light derided the American Museum of Natural History astronomer Charles Lu.

That "just, mathematically, doesn't work," he said in an interview with sister site LiveScience.

Furthermore, humans may not be able to withstand time travel. The journey of the speed of light in 2012 will only be a centrifuge, but it will be fatal, said Jeff Tolaksen, a 2012 professor of physics at Chapman University.

Using gravity would also be fatal. To experience the spread of time, 1 could stand on Neutron stars , but what a person will experience will tear you apart first.

So is time travel possible?

While time travel does not appear possible - at least, in the sense that it is possible that humans will survive it - the field of physics that we are using today is constantly changing. Advances in quantum theories may perhaps provide some understanding of how time travel paradoxes are overcome.

There is a possibility, although this will not necessarily lead to time travel, unraveling the mystery of how some particles can communicate faster with each other than the speed of light.

Image Source : Space.com

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