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where will Back Hole Lead us ?

 Space series#5 Wonder traveling through a Black Hole . Where will be your destination ?

So we, are about to jump into a Black hole. What can you expect - despite all the obstacles - to survive in some way? Where can you end up and what are some of the fascinating myths that you could recreate if you were able to go back?

First Want to know what's a Black Holes Then just click the Black Holes written in blue colour .

The simple answer to all these questions, as Professor Richard Massey explains, "Who knows?" As a researcher for the Royal Society at the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University, Massey is well aware that the mysteries of black holes are very deep. "Crossing the space of the event passes across the veil - if anyone passes by it, no one can text again," he said. "They will be torn to pieces because of the great force of gravity, so I doubt that anyone passing by can get anywhere."

If that sounds like a disappointing - and painful - answer, then it is to be expected. Since Albert Einstein's General Theory of relativity was thought to have predicted black holes by linking local time with gravity, it is known that black holes are caused by the death of a large star leaving behind a small, tiny cell. Considering that the nucleus is more than three times the size of the sun, gravity can be as powerful as one degree, or unity, understood to be a continuous black hole.

An uninhabited black hole would have such a gravitational pull that even light could avoid it. Therefore, if you find yourself in the final scene of an event - where light and matter can only pass through, as suggested by German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild - there is no escape. According to Massey, the force of the oceans could turn your body into atomic fibers (or 'spaghettification', as it is known) and the substance would eventually be crushed into unity. The idea that you can come from somewhere - perhaps on the other hand - seems absolutely fantastic.

What about a wormhole?

Anyway? Over the years scientists have looked into the possibility of black holes becoming wormholes in some galaxies. They may be, as some suggest, a way to get somewhere.

Such a view has been circulating for some time: Einstein met Nathan Rosen in technical bridges covering two different points during the space in 1935. Leading astronomers with Einstein's general theory of relativism - have raised the issue of whether things can go well for them.

The problem, however, is that we cannot get close enough to see for ourselves. After all, we can't even take pictures of what's happening inside a dark hole - if the light doesn't escape their maximum power, then nothing can be determined by the camera. As it stands, theory suggests that anything beyond the scope of the event is simply added to the black hole and, moreover, because time distorts near this boundary, this will seem to happen gradually, so responses will not be quick to come.

"I think it's a common story that leads to the end of time," said  a professor of astronomy and physics at Harvard University. "Observers from afar will not see their astronaut friend fall into a black hole. They will simply be red and faint as they approach the horizon of the event [due to a red shift in gravity]. But a friend falls straight, to put it over 'forever.' Whatever that means. "

Maybe a black hole leads to a white hole

Of course, if the black holes lead to another part of the galaxy or to the rest of the universe, there will need to be some opposite. Could this be a Whiteholes - an idea put forward by Russian scientist Igor Novikov in 1964? Novikov suggested that the black hole connect the white hole that existed in the past. Unlike the black hole, the white hole will allow light and matter to come out, but light and matter will not be able to enter.

Scientists have continued to study the possible link between black and white holes. In their 2014 study published in the journal Physical Review D, scientists Carlo Rovelli and Hal M. Haggard state that "there is an ancient metaphor that satisfies Einstein's calculations outside the boundary region where space falls into a black hole and exits a temporary hole." In other words, all black holes swallowed can be removed, and black holes can become white holes when they die.

Instead of destroying the information it consumes, the collapse of the black hole can be stopped. It can be to hear the quantum explosion, which allows the details to escape. If that happened, it would shed light on the proposal of former Cambridge University environmental scientist and naturalist Stephen Hawking who in the 1970s examined the possibility of black holes emitting particles and radiation - hot heat - due to quantum fluctuations.

Hawking said black holes do not last forever, "said Finbeiner. not containing information about what fell inside, the black hole, when it explodes, will erase many details.

This means that Hawking's theory contradicts quantum theory, which states that data cannot be destroyed. Physics says information is very difficult to find because, if it is lost, it becomes difficult to know the past or the future. Hawking's theory has led to a 'dark pit knowledge' and has long puzzled scientists. Some say that Hawking was simply a mistake, and this man himself even claimed to have made a mistake during the 2004 scientific conference in Dublin.

So, do we go back to the idea of ​​black holes that extract data and throw it back through a white hole? It is possible. In their 2013 study published in Physical Review Letters, Jorge Pullin of Louisiana State University and Rodolfo Gambini at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay, used loop quantum gravity in a black hole and found that gravity increased at the waist but decreased again. they met anything that entered another realm of the universe. The results gave more credibility to the idea of ​​black holes acting as a portal. In this study, unity is lacking, so they do not form an insurmountable obstacle that eventually crushes anything we encounter. It also means that the details are endless.

Maybe black holes go nowhere

Yet scientists believe that Hawking may have existed. They work on a concept known as the AMPS firewall, or black hole firewall hypothesis. By their calculations, quantum machines are likely to turn the event horizon into a massive fire wall and anything in contact with it could burn in a second. In that sense, black holes go nowhere because nothing can get inside.

This, however, violates Einstein's common view of relation. The person crossing the horizon should not actually feel any great difficulty because the object will fall freely and, depending on the principle of equality, that object - or the person - will not feel the worst effects of gravity. It can follow the laws of physics that exist elsewhere in the universe, but even if it contradicts Einstein's law it could undermine the theory of quantum space or suggest that information could be lost.

A black hole of uncertainty 

Step forward Hawking repeated. In 2014, he published a study in which he explored the existence of an event atmosphere - meaning nothing will be burned - saying that the fall of gravity would create a 'visible horizon' instead.

This horizon can stop the rays of light from drifting away from the inside of the black hole, and continue "for a while." In his rethinking, the visible horizons temporarily retain the matter and power before it is completed and later released on line. This definition fits well with quantum theory - which states that data cannot be corrupted - and, once proven, suggests that anything could come out of the black hole.

Hawking went so far as to say that black holes may not exist. “Black holes should be redefined as dynamic forces of gravity,” he wrote. There will be no unity, and while the visible field can penetrate because of the gravitational force, it will never reach the center and be integrated into the dense weight.

And any output will not be in the form of swallowed data. It will not be easy to find out what went in by looking at it, which is causing problems - not least, by someone who found himself in a horrible situation. They would never feel the same way again!

One thing is for sure, this mystery will engulf many hours of science for a long time to come. Rovelli and Francesca Vidotto recently suggested that part of the black matter could be made up of remnants of black holes, and Hawking paper with black holes and 'soft hair' was released in 2018, and explains how zero-energy particles are left at that point - that the information is not lost but is entered.

This flies in the face of the hairless theory theory demonstrated by the scientist John Archibald Wheeler and worked on the basis that the two black holes can be separated from the viewer because no fake special physics cases will be preserved. It is an idea that makes scientists talk, but there is a way to be done before it can be seen as a response to where black holes lead. If only we could find a way to jump on one

Wormholes : The Wormhole is a speculative structure that connects different points during space, and is based on a special mathematical solution for Einstein's field. The caterpillar can be seen as a double-edged tunnel at different points during space

Hi it might be late to publish the next blog because I am researching on more very interesting topics ...

Image source : Space.com

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