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Time travel is POSSIBLE but you will have to travel to a PARALLEL UNIVERSE - shock claim

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TIME travel IS possible but it would mean travelling to an parallel Universe, some scientists have claimed.

Parallel Universe

The idea of ​​time travel has been expert for centuries, many would claim impossible. However, a scientist believes that one day it will become a reality, but it will involve a journey to a parallel universe. This is because 'right now' can only exist once on our timeline, but if parallel universes exist, where reality is virtually our own mirror, then it may be possible to use those timelines.

Marshall Barnes, an independent researcher who specializes in temporal physics and advanced concept science and technology, claimed that time must exist in a linear form for us to live.

Theoretically, this could mean that there are other linear timelines in the parallel Universe that may be accessible, Mr. Barnes claims.

He writes on the Q&A site Quora: "If there is no time, nothing moves, vibration, change, etc., because it does, then time is real and it is time that allows those things and space Where they occur.

The first physical thing that we can see that proves time is real is in photography.

Bubble Universe and Sand clock
Bubble Universe and Sand clock

If the time was not real, not only would the shutter not work, but it would not matter whether you use shutter speed or aperture because they are both related to time.

“Going to the nose is different from what I would normally experience.

“Special relativity already describes how something is not a universal thing and provides the ability to experience different types of Nows.

“Physical experiments show that new Nows have been created in new parallel new universes.
Tunnel Between 2 Parallel Universe
Tunnel Between 2 Parallel Universes

These experiments pave the way for new, parallel universe copies of the past to be able to travel real-time.

"These experiments resulted in the same type of results predicted for experiments by the 1995 German astrophysicist Rainer Plaga, who would be able to explore parallel universes.

"So time travel is not only possible, but can become a physical reality sooner than you think."

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Image source : Express.co.uk

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